Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition

Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition strive to offer a Liberating Education based on a Gospel Spirituality within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity.

The Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition describes our distinct, though not unique, identity as ÁùºÏ±¦µä. The Charter provides a practical expression of this identity and so is of crucial use in decision-making, planning and review.

The Charter uses four Touchstones to describe the culture of a Catholic school which is striving for authenticity in the Edmund Rice tradition.

These Touchstones give us ideals authentically linked with the Charism which underpins the ministry in our schools and educational endeavours. They help us set our direction and define our goals as, following Blessed Edmund’s vision, we continue to reflect and to seek to make the Gospel a living reality in our communities.


Download the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice tradition